
EpicTDD's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 34 (From 5 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 575 Points

Fleeing the Complex

Medals Earned: 9/18 (280/660 points)

Kredit 2 Team 5 Points

Watching kredit make me STRONG

Waldo 5 Points

Where is he?

xXn00bslayerXx 10 Points

*Obnoxious Airhorn Sound*

Rank: CA 50 Points

Achieve the Rank CA

Rank: GI 50 Points

Achieve the Rank GI

Rank: IRO 50 Points

Achieve the Rank IRO

Rank: PD 50 Points

Achieve the Rank PD

Rank: TB 50 Points

Achieve the Rank TB

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Patron of Tunes 5 Points

Listen to a song linked in the credits

Nailed It 10 Points

Stuck the landing

bruUGHNO 25 Points

You knew he'd be in this game somewheres

Rise and Shine 25 Points

Wake up and smell the snow

101 Failmations 100 Points

Get a total of 101 fails

Golden Boy 100 Points

Find all 60 unique fails

Master of the Wall 100 Points

Unlock every medal, then click the icon (ingame)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Milk Clicker!

Medals Earned: 5/5 (165/165 points)

Hundred 10 Points

Collect 100 Milk

More Milk 5 Points

Buy one of the upgrades from the shop

One Thousand 25 Points

Collect 1,000 Milk

x12 Clicks 25 Points

Buy x12 Clicks from the shop

Ten Thousand!! 100 Points

Collect 10,000 Milk


Medals Earned: 2/9 (10/200 points)

grass zone cleared 5 Points

make it to the end of level 1

BLAM 5 Points

blow up an enemy with a bomb

settings god 5 Points

change a setting

sky zone cleared 10 Points

make it to the end of level 2

space zone cleared 25 Points

make it to the end of level 3

penny pincher 25 Points

hold over 50 coins at once

50k dash 25 Points

travel 50,000P

long distance runaround 50 Points

travel 100,000P

spectacular grand amazing fantastic 50 Points

complete the first loop without taking any damage

Rocket Drift

Medals Earned: 4/8 (50/135 points)

Boom! 5 Points

You Died!

Milk Power-Up! 10 Points

It heals your bones, doesn't it?

Hydrogen in Fuel Tank 10 Points

Rockets require hydrogen for fuel right?

Event 25 Points

Something might happen.. Good or Bad.. Idk.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Woah! 10,000 Scores! 50 Points


Hell. 0 Points

This is ridiculous.

Survive the Culling

Medals Earned: 4/15 (30/495 points)

EZ Math 5 Points

Complete Level 1 Baby

Failure 5 Points


Meet Ben Dover 10 Points

Take a tutorial

Custom Level 10 Points

Complete a "Custom" level

Dumbo 25 Points

Die 20 Times

Baka 50 Points

Die 50 Times

More time please? 5 Points

Complete with Extra-Time Modifier

Divided Time 10 Points

Complete with Half-Time Modifier

Harsh Alien 25 Points

Complete with Instant Death Modifier

Arithmetic Master 50 Points

Complete Stage 1-2

Arithmetic Master 2 50 Points

Complete Stage 3-4

Nerd 50 Points

Complete Stage 5-7

Challenger 100 Points

Complete one of the hardest challenge in Custom Level Mode.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 14/30 (90/425 points)

Blast Off! 5 Points

Completed the first level! WOW!

Second Wreckin' 5 Points

Completed level 2!

Boom Curious 5 Points

Completed level 3!

Blast Apprentice 5 Points

Completed level 4!

Kaboom Kid 5 Points

Completed level 5!

Detonation Dabbler 5 Points

Completed level 6!

Explosion Explorer 5 Points

Completed level 7!

Detonation Dynamo 5 Points

Completed level 8!

Blast Captain 5 Points

Completed level 9!

The All New McSplode 5 Points

Completed level 10!

Boom Boss 10 Points

Completed level 11!

Bangarang 10 Points

Completed level 12!

Fuse Fiend 10 Points

Completed level 13!

Bomber Boy 10 Points

Completed level 14!

OK Boomer 10 Points

Halfway There! Completed level 15!

Bang And The Blocks Are Gone 10 Points

Completed level 16!

Um...Boom 17 10 Points

Completed level 17!

These Are Difficult 10 Points

Completed level 18!

OK I'm Really Struggling Now... 10 Points

Completed level 19!

Bedknobs & Boomsticks? 10 Points

Completed level 20!

I Guess That Last One Was Alright, no? 25 Points

Completed level 21!

If You've Got Any Suggestions... 25 Points

Completed level 22!

...Please Let Me Know 25 Points

Completed level 23!

There's Still 6 Left! 25 Points

Completed level 24!

I'm Going To Make The Effort Now 25 Points

Completed level 25!

Boom Eternal 25 Points

Completed level 26!

I Liked That Last One 25 Points

Completed level 27!

Boom Master General 25 Points

Completed level 28!

Detonation Demigod 25 Points

Completed level 29!

TapTapBOOM Baron! 50 Points

Completed the final level!